Saturday, November 30

Goodbye Twenties

I have a birthday coming up this week. The "big" 30. I am so ready to say goodbye to me twenties, which although have been full of wonderful things (meeting my wonderful husband, marriage, career, our first home/mortgage), I feel like I'm more than ready to move on and say hello to my thirties.
It's got to be better.
These past few years have been, well, horrible. Unemployment, disappointment, and then, loss.
This past year has been nothing but pain, tears, sadness and loss. I'm not going to get into it, I feel it's still to personal, but 2013, 29, good riddance. I had such high hopes for you, but you really dissapointed.
I'm ready to move on.

Have you heard of Jonathan Carrol? Did I mention him before?
I can't even remember how I heard of him, but I follow him on Facebook, and I always look forward to his posts. (Please follow him here! You won't be sorry!) Most of them are amazing quotes by others, and amazing photographs. Every now and then he adds a quote of his own. I've yet to read his books, but they are on my list.
This was one is from his feed today:

"“There are times in your life when, despite the steel weight of your memories and the sadness that seems to lie at your feet like a shadow, you suddenly and strangely feel perfectly okay.” 

 -Kevin Brockmeier

I'm trying. Sometimes it's just really hard ♥
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